Sunday, July 7, 2013

How to launch a message in a Bottle

How to launch a message in a Bottle - You should always include money so that people can send you a return letter. You should also include a ketchup packet or some form of food because the person who finds the bottle will obviously be stuck on a deserted island, 4 million miles away, hungry and wishing they had a mail box to send a letter or two.

Message in a Bottle 01 (Angry Bird)

In this bottle is a note, a cut out of an Angry Bird i had lying around,
A link from a bicycle chain.
A Guatemala  dollar (quetzal).
A mustard packet.
And a paper clip.

Look a video too! 

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Solo Message in a Bottle

Solo, a soft drink company based in Norway, recently built an 8-meter (26-foot) tall replica soda bottle outfitted with solar panels, a camera, navigation lights, an Automatic Identification System, a radar reflector, and GPS tracking technology, all powered through solar panels on the top. It also has a customized camera that is programmed to tweet a 360-degree panorama every eight hours and is outfitted with nozzles that clear the lenses with fresh water from an onboard tank. and set it adrift in the ocean.
Oh, and it weights 2,500 kilograms (2.7 tons).

Solo towed the message in a bottle off the coast of Tenerife in the Canary Islands and left it at the mercy of the currents. Inside the bottle is a case of Solo and a 12 square meter (129 square foot) letter in various languages explaining that whoever finds the giant bottle wins a finders party in the nearest town and lists a phone number to call.

You can track it here via a awesome interactive map. -
They also have a twitter account where they post pictures from the bottle -

Stitch and Glue Kayak - Restore

This is the kayak i will be launching most of the bottles from. Will they make it down the Willamette to the Columbia to the Pacific Ocean and then on over to Tanzania? I dunno.
I acquired this boat from a roommate who moved out (he found it at Goodwill). It is a mess! It was a mess, it still is a bit messy. The fiberglass wasn't seated in the hull, it had a number of holes. I did re-fiberglass the outside and added three layers of epoxy. Today it is getting painted.
Anyway, this is about sending tweets.. i mean messages in bottles.

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